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The Criminalization Of Christianity

The Criminalization Of Christianity

Read This Book Before it Becomes Illegal!



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There is a war going on for the future of our country. Most people know that. What they may not know is that if Christians lose, the result won't merely be enduring public policy we disagree with-it will be a prison sentence for those who oppose it. We've all seen the attack coming. First the Supreme Court said kids can't pray in school. Then the Ten Commandments were ripped from the classrooms. Now pastors are being removed from their pulpits and put in jail for speaking out against homosexuality (Sweden). And things are only getting worse. How in the world did we get to this place? And why is it that Christians are singled out in this assault on morality? Serving as a wake-up call for America, this book will expose the truth that Christianity is being criminalized-and that we must stand up against it now . As a Christian in this country, you may be understandably reluctant to speak out on moral issues like abortion, homosexuality, or pornography. But while we have the right to remain silent, that's not what God calls us to do. Because if the world can silence the truth, it will silence the gospel.
ISBN: 9781590524688
Producer: Multnomah UK
Product Code: 10044063
163 x 26 x 240 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Release Date: 20.04.2005
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