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The Daily Prophecy

The Daily Prophecy

Your Future Revealed Today!



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Do you need a word from God? The Daily Prophecy shares a unique prophetic word—plus much more—for each day of the year. More than a daily devotional, you will feel divine inspiration as you read The Daily Prophecy. Each prophecy is written as if God is speaking directly to you—bringing you hope, security, peace, and the joy of feeling loved by your heavenly Father. Each daily word also provides prophetic Scripture and biblical insight into that day’s special focus including finances, health, family, career—365 everyday issues and concerns. Also included is a daily significant prayer that you can decree over yourself that builds a strong foundation for not only your spiritual life, but also your physical, emotional, and relational life. Author Brenda Kunneman has a prophetic anointing that she uses to bring believers closer to the Lord. From January 1 to December 31, you will be emboldened with the wisdom and revelation presented in The Daily Prophecy—Your Future Revealed Today!
ISBN: 9780768403039
Destiny Image, Inc.
Product Code: 325052
152 x 13 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 368
Release Date: 18.09.2012
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