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The Justification Of A Sinner

The Justification Of A Sinner

A Treatise On Justification By Faith Alone



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No question is of more eternal significance than this one: How is a sinner able to stand before a holy God? Can a man be saved by his own goodness? If so, how good must that goodness be? Does God accept anything less than perfection? Is justification by the finished work of Christ alone, or is it a combination of the work of Christ and work of man? These questions have divided the Protestant church and the Roman church for centuries. In this rare book, William Pemble, a 17th century Puritan, looks at the issues and show how faith alone in the finished work of Christ is what justifies. He specifically challenges the teaching of the Council of Trent as taught by Robert Bellarmine, the Roman church’s champion of that era. John Calvin said that justification by faith alone is the article on which the church stands of falls. It is also the article on which the individual stands or falls. Here is solid footing on which to stand!
ISBN: 9781573581295
Soli Deo Gloria Publications
Product Code: 10034741
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 257
Release Date: 16.09.2002
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