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The Life of Jesus

The Life of Jesus

Matthew Through John : His Life, Death, Resurrection and Ministry



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With Dr. Mears as teacher and mentor, readers will study the four accounts of Jesus Christ's life and ministry from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They will gain a big-picture understanding of key events--Jesus' miraculous birth, His ministry, His teachings, and His crucifixion and resurrection--yet also see how each Gospel evangelist chose to emphasize particular themes for his reading audience.Twelve sessions of study give readers an opportunity to examine Jesus' life in depth, whether on their own or with a group, and discussion/reflection questions invite groups or individuals to go even deeper.
ISBN: 9781496416209
Producer: Gospel Light
Product Code: 885692
UPC: 9780830759460
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 04.02.2016
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