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The Ministry Medical

The Ministry Medical

A health-check from 2 Timothy



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Paul's instructions and personal model for faithful ministry remain the standard for every generation. They were written to Timothy in the first instance, but they are very much for us pastor-teachers today. The aim of this short book is simply to boil down the instructions Paul gives, and the characteristics of his own ministry that he commends, so that we may see how our own lives and ministries measure up. There are 36 questions from 2 Timothy in this checkup, each forming a chapter. There is also a checklist at the end of the book, going into each question. The book is a challenge, prompt and refresher for any pastor-teacher at any stage of his ministry. It could be read with a group of leaders or elders, taking one or two questions at a time for consideration and prayer. Chapters include: Are you praying for your people? serving with a clear conscience? Fanning into flame the gift of God? Serving in the power of the Spirit? Ashamed or suffering? Convinced that God will guard the gospel? Entrusting to future leaders? Avoiding entanglements? Thinking over what the Bible says? Remembering Jesus? Reminding your people that there is suffering before glory? Avoiding godless chatter? Correcting opponents with gentleness? Preaching in the light of the end, in season, out of season, reproving, rebuking and exhorting? Being patient with your people? Doing the work of an evangelist? Longing for His appearing? Zealous for the Lord's glory?
ISBN: 9781781912324
Christian Focus Publications
Product Code: 115517
Dimensions: 130 x 198 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 144
Release Date: 20.07.2013
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