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The Necessary Distinction

The Necessary Distinction

A Continuing Conversation on Law and Gospel



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The distinction between the Law and the Gospel is an often-overlooked necessity when comprehending Scripture. Law and Gospel are not meant to be balanced or coordinated; rather, they should be rightly distinguished. This distinction is not a theoretical abstraction but a functional necessity for preaching and pastoral care lest sinners be left with their own attempts at righteousness, which can only lead to arrogance or despair. The Necessary Distinction: A Continuing Conversation on Law and Gospel is a collection of 13 exploratory essays that work through the implications of this distinction for preaching, pastoral care, liturgy, mission, and Christian living. They draw readers back into a deep look into the Holy Scriptures so that Christ Jesus is preached with greater clarity and broken sinners are given the full consolation of the forgiveness of sins.
ISBN: 9780758659941
Concordia Publishing House
Product Code: 10041563
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 344
Release Date: 12.09.2017
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