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The New Testament Experience

The New Testament Experience

The Gospels For A Modern World



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Using the ESV translation and photography to bring the key characters and stories of each Gospel to life, this modern and immersive Bible aims to create a beautiful and engaging resource for the believer and for the local church leader. It is a tool to equip the youth of the Church and new Christians with the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Depicting the gospels in the modern world, each gospel is set in a different city: Matthew in London; Mark in New York City; Luke in Sydney; John in Bogota. There are also 7 articles to teach key themes found in the gospels, these include: The Life of Jesus, The Gospels, Grace, The Holy Spirit, The Church, Prayer and The Bible. At the start and end of each gospel there are sections bringing pertinent insights and context to the key themes. This book utilises the method employed by Jesus himself to engage with and teach the people that followed him – the method of storytelling. Inspired by teaching through parables, The New Testament Experience works with the scriptures as a basis for the visual representation of the stories found in the gospels but for a 21st century audience.
ISBN: 9780008317430
William Collins
Product Code: 10060463
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 04.04.2019
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