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The Urban Halo

The Urban Halo

A Story of Hope for Orphans of the Poor


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The story of one family's time in a Cambodian slum, establishing an innovative ministry caring for over a thousand orphans.
'When Jesus moved from the most exclusive community in the universe to the worst ghetto in the world, seeking out prostitutes, lepers, and children, he sparked a revolution in at least one man's life. My own.'

Craig left a high-flying job to move to Cambodia and set up home with his wife in the Phnom Penh slums. As the poor became their neighbours and their friends, a distinctive ministry began to emerge. Project HALO has transformed the lives of hundreds of children affected by AIDS, and empowered the poor to care for their own orphans.

ISBN: 9781850787273
Authentic Media
Product Code: 119272
133 x 13 x 198 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 19.08.2015
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