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The Warrior Within

The Warrior Within

Young Men Standing Strong in a Reckless World



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You have a voice in this culture…a culture that is literally spinning out of control. The Warrior Within will strengthen, encourage and challenge you to be the young man God has called you to be. Not a perfect man, but a man who trusts and believes his God. The Warrior Within addresses many topics: how the media is selling seduction to capture your mind and heart through pornography; wisdom in friendships; the girls in your life; the battle of sexting; becoming that warrior within. This book speaks candidly about sexual integrity. (I know you just rolled your eyes!) But the culture has thrown so many lies at you for years regarding this topic, and it is necessary to be up front and honest about it. To be a warrior within and a warrior for your generation, it is imperative that you understand the fight. You are the most influential player for your generation.
ISBN: 9781641232944
Whitaker Publishers
Product Code: 10060713
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 180
Release Date: 08.01.2019
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