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The Working of Miracles and Other Prophetic Writings

The Working of Miracles and Other Prophetic Writings



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This collection of three prophetic books by beloved author H. A. Maxwell Whyte all deal with the spiritual gift the apostle Paul calls “the working of miracles” (1 Corinthians 12:10). The Working of Miracles looks at the powerful and prophetic outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. It unpacks the principals involved in the working of miracles and the explanation of what a miracle really is. The Prophetic Word reveals the amazing power of the Word of God when spoken through His anointed vessels. Pulling Down Strongholds calls the church to take its rightful place in God’s plan to throw off every form of bondage to Satan and to destroy his dominion on earth in these last days. Together, these three classic charismatic teachings will inspire readers to boldly pursue the prophetic spiritual gifts and to stand in the spiritual victory God has promised.
ISBN: 9781641232296
Whitaker Publishers
Product Code: 10059094
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 272
Release Date: 04.06.2019
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