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This Is True Grace

This Is True Grace

The Shaping Of Social Behavioural Instructions by Theology in 1 Peter



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How and in what respects are the Petrine social instructions shaped by the theological vision of the author of 1 Peter? This publication investigates the coherence between the social behavioural instructions and the theological teachings found in 1 Peter. Engaging with the Balch-Elliott debate, Dr. Joyce Sun argues that the core question should not be whether Christians should separate from, or accommodate to, wider society, but whether their behaviour is consistent with their ultimate allegiance to God. Sun convincingly demonstrates that the social distinctiveness of Christian communities was actively encouraged in the Petrine literature as a form of cultural and spiritual opposition to wider societal norms.
ISBN: 9781783681846
Langham Partnership Internatio
Product Code: 10030138
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 296
Release Date: 31.12.2016
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