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Through Western Eyes

Through Western Eyes

Eastern Orthodoxy: A Reformed Perspective



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The culture of the Eastern Church, to many, is alien. Yet there are recognizable family resemblances. This book examines the history and theology of Orthodoxy from a Reformed perspective. There are clear and significant areas of agreement - a common allegiance to the triune God; the person of Christ; the authority of Scripture and the truth of the gospel. At the same time there are many areas of disagreement, where it seems that Orthodoxy and Protestantism are at odds. However, there are also misunderstandings on both sides, where proponents of either position are not normally dealing accurately with what the other holds to be true. In drawing attention to the agreements and misunderstandings Robert Letham trusts that readers may come to a better understanding of exactly where the real differences lie. We can learn from Orthodoxy - if our assumption is that the most important thing is to grow in our knowledge of Christ.


Products » BOOKS » Church » Church Life
Christian Focus Publications
ISBN: 9781845502478
Product Code: 110498
Dimensions: 138 x 216 mm
Weight: 400.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 320
Release Date: 20.03.2007
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