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Trinitarian Theology For The Church

Trinitarian Theology For The Church

Scripture, Community, Worship



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The doctrine of the Trinity has received considerable attention in recent years. These essays demonstrate the substance and importance of the doctrine for Christian faith, particularly in worship, in the reading of Scripture, and in the church's mission. The contributors are Philip W. Butin, John R. Franke, Edith M. Humphrey, Mark Husbands, Keith E. Johnson, Robert K. Lang'at, David Lauber, Gordon T. Smith, Daniel J. Treier, Leanne Van Dyk, Kevin J. Vanhoozer and John D. Witvliet.
Producer: IVP UK
ISBN: 9781844743803
Product Code: 500533
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 270
Release Date: 01.05.2009
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