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What Is Reformed Theology?

What Is Reformed Theology?



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You’ve heard of Reformed theology, but you’re not certain what it is. Some references to it have been positive, some negative. It appears to be important, and you’d like to know more about it. And you want a full explanation, not a simplistic one. Few evangelical Christians today understand Reformed theology. They know it has something to do with predestination, and they may have heard of “the five points.” But they can’t name these points, and they think no one believes most of them anymore. Dr. R.C. Sproul says there’s more to Reformed theology than these five points. Reformed theology reveals just how awesome the grace of God is. The roots of evangelical Christianity are found in the soil of the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation, which brought a return of true biblical theology to the world. In this series, Dr. Sproul offers an introduction to Reformed theology, the heart of historical evangelicalism. C.H. Spurgeon once said that Reformed theology is nothing other than biblical Christianity. Study Guide Features: • Lesson Objectives • Message Outline • Study Questions • Discussion Questions • Suitable for individual or group study.
ISBN: 9781567699067
Reformation Trust
Product Code: 10052804
Dimensions: 216 x 279 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 24.10.2017
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