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What The Church Has Hidden From Us

What The Church Has Hidden From Us

What Good Is Now Revealing



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You may have wondered why in the New Testament Yeshua (Jesus) and the apostles observed the Sabbath, Passover, and other Leviticus Chapter 23 festivals. Yet, you learned in church that Sunday replaced the Sabbath and Easter replaced Passover, and the other festivals are "Jewish things." You may have also been taught that the Old Testament is indeed old and obsolete; it no longer has relevance to the modern-day Christian. The objective of this book is to carefully examine secular and biblical history to determine if these typical Christian beliefs reflect biblical truth. We analyze the combined impact of the "early church fathers" and the mystery religion, Mithraism, on biblical Christianity. We then examine the Old Testament, the Leviticus 23 festivals, and the New Testament. Are typical Christian beliefs accurate-or have some important things been added or rejected? Because Israel is central to this entire focus, the part she plays in this story also is carefully analyzed. Indeed, she is a vital piece of the puzzle, and the truth about her central role may surprise you.
ISBN: 9781591605546
Authentic Media
Product Code: 10034357
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 18.04.2003
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