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What Was I Thinking?

What Was I Thinking?



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Your thoughts mold your lifestyle and shape your mental, physical, relational, and emotional health. What shape are you in? What Was I Thinking? reveals marvelous links between the functions of the human brain, the Commandments of God, and your physical and emotional health. Presented in a reader-friendly discussion style, a strong case is made that people must choose whether to follow the path of stress (fear) or the path of faith. Understanding these links brings new insight to help you achieve healthier lifestyle results, including emotional and physical healing, freedom, and greater effectiveness for Christ. Filled with relevant Scripture passages, exciting personal testimonies, well-defined anatomical terms, and Points to Ponder, this book provides much spiritually enriched food for thought for all believers. Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. (Proverbs 16:3 KJV) Major themes that will intrigue and entice you include: the direct link between thoughts and physical and spiritual health; brain functions; the importance of forgiveness; exhortations to obey the Word; and a variety of wrong concepts that keep many Christians from choosing health and joy over bondage. We believe this teaching with practical application is the key to winning back what the enemy has stolen your mind so that you can be restored to health and go and do all that God has called you to do! Caspar McCloud and Linda Lange
ISBN: 9780768432633
Destiny Image, Inc.
Product Code: 325173
152 x 13 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 21.10.2010
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