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The Whole Counsel of God Volume 2

The Whole Counsel of God Volume 2

The Full Revelation Of God, Volume 2



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Richard Gamble’s three-volume  Whole Counsel of God  explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology for the glory of God and the enrichment of his church. Gamble, an authority on Calvin, engages the writings of theologians across disciplines and through church history—from Calvin, Turretin, Witsius, and à Brakel, to Bavinck, Vos, Frame, and many more—to assist him in the task. His first volume concentrated on the Old Testament; this second volume examines the nature of New Testament revelation and introduces the New Testament authors and their writings. In following sections, he covers the doctrine of God, soteriology, ecclesiology, and anthropology, concluding with a brief presentation of the biblical philosophy of life and corresponding defense of Christianity.
ISBN: 9781596381810
P&R Publishing
Product Code: 10058583
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 1144
Release Date: 28.09.2018
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