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Wild Cat

Wild Cat



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I haven't done anything with my life. . . . I need to do something . . . like Mom and Dad and Hank do all the time. And I need to do it now.
Meet 12-year-old Kat"”short for Katharine. She thinks she has two weeks to do something worthy of being adopted by her wonderful foster family. But cancer, medicine, and the older kids at Starlight Animal Rescue make it difficult for Kat to really help out around the farm. On top of that, she's just started junior high and has to work on a project with the most popular"”and demanding"”girl in her class. When Kat accepts the role of "cat shrink" for her classmates' pets, could her success . . . or failure . . . be more than she can handle?
Starlight Animal Rescue: Where problem horses are trained and loved, where abandoned dogs become heroes, where stray cats become loyal companions. And where people with nowhere to fit in find a place to belong.
ISBN: 9781414312705
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 194893
Dimensions: 106 x 175 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 23.01.2009
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