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Willmington's Bible Handbook

Willmington's Bible Handbook



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Willmington's Bible Handbook gives a verse-by-verse commentary of each book of the Bible and is written with both new believers and seasoned students of the Bible in mind. This special Bible handbook also includes many special features that provide fresh, new insights into the most inspirational book ever written.

Special Features
  • Focus on the unity of the Bible shows how each part of the Bible relates to the whole.
  • "How We Got the Bible" explains how 40 authors over 2,000 years spoke the same saving message.
  • Emphasis on the historical accuracy of the Bible explores how thousands of archeological discoveries verify Scripture.
  • "People to Remember" brings the stories of Bible people to life.
  • Lists and background material give an overview of Scripture through comprehensive, comparitive lists and charts
  • Indexes to topics, Scripture references, Bible people, maps, charts,
  • Harmony of the Gospels
  • Chronology of Bible events
  • . . . And more!
ISBN: 9780842381741
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 164783
Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Release Date: 03.10.1997
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