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Women and the Kingdom

Women and the Kingdom



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What does the Bible really say about women? Should women be allowed to preach or lead in church? What about what Paul said? In Women and the Kingdom Roger and Faith Forster tackle these questions about what the Bible says about the role, value and contribution of women in the purposes of God. This long-awaited book takes you on a historical exploration of the roles of women in the old, new and early church periods before ending up in the present day. There is thorough, in-depth exegesis of the passages frequently used to argue the case against women in church leadership, and the book also boasts a double foreword - one from Jackie Pullinger and the other from Professor Andrew Walker.
ISBN: 9780955378331
Push Publishing
Product Code: 552263
UPC: PP005
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 25.08.2015
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