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Work Life: Finding Purpose in Your Everyday

Work Life: Finding Purpose in Your Everyday



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Work.Life is an opportunity to think deeply about the one thing that nearly all of us will do for nearly all of our lives. With the help of this beautifully designed booklet you could help people wrestle with the profound questions just beneath the surface of a normal working day. These eight studies will enable you to take your group deep into Scripture and their own heart responses to it, in order to help them form a biblical mindset and put it into practice in their workplace. The questions for private study and group discussion are rooted both in the Bible and the everyday realities of work, encouraging real change. They cover issues such as: work ethic; work-life balance; success and failure; aspiration; work as worship; busyness and its causes; work’s inherent goodness; and work’s frustration. The studies are punctuated by quotes from people seeking to integrate their faith and work, pointers to supplementary video content, and homework tasks to help people engage with the topic throughout the week. The series begins and ends with a Work.Life audit to assess and evaluate how your group has been impacted by the studies.
ISBN: 9781900964258
Producer: Navigators UK
Product Code: 10029933
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 45
Release Date: 08.04.2017
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