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Your Future Self Will Thank You

Your Future Self Will Thank You

Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science (A Guide for Sinners, Quitters, and Procrastinators)



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Harnessing the Power of Self-Control for People who Like Cake, Hate Push-Ups, and Aren’t Robots Whether it’s your laughable inability to stick with an exercise routine or a serious sin issue you can’t seem to kick, we all struggle with a lack of self-control to some degree. And we’re continually surprised and ashamed when we fail. Why can’t we just control ourselves? In Taming Dragons, Drew Dyck uncovers the secrets behind that least-coveted fruit of the Spirit: self-control. He digs into everything from the Bible to neuroscience to his own personal dieting failures. This book will : • expose common pitfalls that sap our willpower and sabotage our ability to control ourselves • explain the power of habits and how to form good ones • offer strategies that will boost success rates and reduce wasted efforts • and more! Discover how much more you will enjoy your life when you unleash the power of self-control.
ISBN: 9780802418296
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 10046098
140 x 13 x 216 mm
Weight: 240.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 192
Release Date: 01.01.2019
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