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When You Pray

When You Pray

Daily Bible Reflections For Lent And Easter On The Lord's Prayer



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BRF's Lent book for 2013, offering daily Bible readings, devotional comment and a prayer or point for reflection for every day from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day. The focus for 2013 is the Lord's Prayer, not only reflecting on the relevant passages from the Gospels but considering the prayer in the wider context of New Testament teaching on prayer. Author Joanna Collicutt draws on her background in psychology as well as theology to present a stimulating study of well-known scriptures.
ISBN: 9780857468673
Bible Reading Fellowship
Product Code: 10059425
Dimensions: 130 x 198 mm
Weight: 217.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 24.05.2019
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