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Death and Life

Death and Life

A church's guide to exploring mortality



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As a society we aren’t good at talking about death, and as individuals we may try and avoid thinking about it. But death is part of life, and we must all face it eventually. For Christians, dying and death are not the end but a transition point in a story that continues. Reflecting well on our own mortality can help us to make peace with the prospect of death and to live more fully in the here and now. This research-based book includes all you need to plan and deliver a course enabling people – old or young, healthy or frail – to prepare practically, emotionally and spiritually for their last months on this earth. The course covers six topics: Legal practicalities; Life stories; Funeral planning; Physical aspects of dying; Spiritual aspects of dying; and The life to come. It also offers a range of materials on the theme of living well in the light of mortality: a creative workshop, sermon starters, Bible studies, meditations, and a set of prayer stations which combine to form a prayer walk.
ISBN: 9781800392830
Bible Reading Fellowship
Product Code: 10094221
130 x 20 x 198 mm
Weight: 230.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 19.04.2024
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