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Mere Discipleship Second Edition

Mere Discipleship Second Edition

Radical Christianity in a Rebellious World



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"Profoundly biblical and revolutionary in its implications, this is surely the finest statement on the meaning of Christian discipleship that I have ever read."--Richard T. Hughes, Pepperdine University In the clear and compelling fashion of C. S. Lewis's classic Mere Christianity, Lee Camp here sets forth his vision of what it means to truly follow Christ in the twenty-first century. Drawing on a sound biblical framework of what disciples believe and therefore what they should do, Camp challenges Christians to put obedience to Jesus as Lord ahead of allegiances to all earthly authorities--be they nationalistic, political, economic, or cultural. To Camp, that means loving one's enemies, not killing them; evangelizing by showing Jesus, not just talking about him; and allowing God's grace to transform one's notions of wealth. This substantially revised and expanded second edition updates examples, adds chapter introductions and summaries, and includes an extensive study guide and a reading guide.
ISBN: 9781587432309
Baker Book House
Product Code: 742646
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 272
Release Date: 19.09.2008
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