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Vineyard Values

Vineyard Values



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In the late 80s the first Vineyard churches in Europe were started in the UK. Fast forward thirty years and those churches have multiplied repeatedly across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Small groups of people have become a movement of tens of thousands of people in over one hundred and thirty locations.

The values that were present in those first churches continue to run through the DNA of every Vineyard church. This book takes some of these key values and unpacks them for a new generation, with voices from around our global family contributing to each chapter.

This book also contains a Leader's Guide to help run an 'Introduction to the Vineyard' Small Group, ideal for sharing our history, values and vision to Extend God's Kingdom Together Everywhere in Every Way.


Products » BOOKS » Tracts » General Tracts
Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland
ISBN: 9781783597284
Product Code: 10046915
UPC: 6573301712476
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 164
Release Date: 01.01.2018
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