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Better Story, A

Better Story, A

God, Sex and Human Flourishing



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What if ... We faced up honestly to our sub-Christian culture of shame? Re-imagined what it means to made sexual in the image of God? Remembered that we flourish when we live in harmony with God s design? And left behind the broken promises of the sexual revolution to tell a better story of our own? The architects of the sexual revolution won over the popular imagination because they knew the power of story. They drew together radical new ideologies, often complex and hard to grasp, and melded them into the simpler structure of narrative. Crucially, they cast narratives that appealed to the moral instincts of ordinary, decent people. This moral vision overwhelmed the church and silenced its faltering apologists. The author argues that if Christians still believe they have have good news in the sphere of sexual ethics, then two big tasks lie ahead. Our first priority is to work out what has gone so badly wrong, both in our understanding and application of what the Bible teaches and the way we have presented our case to the non-churched. And then we must offer a better story, one that fires the imagination with such force that people will say, 'I want that to be true.' This book offers a confident, biblically rooted moral vision which needs to be shared with prayer and courage.
ISBN: 9781783594467
Producer: IVP UK
Product Code: 10027797
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 192
Release Date: 19.01.2017
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