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The Big Ego Trip

The Big Ego Trip

Finding true significance in a culture of self-esteem



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After decades of trying to feel good about ourselves, why do we still hunger for meaning and significance? Glynn Harrison argues that self-esteem ideology has led us down a psychological cul-de-sac that risks causing more harm than good, and today's culture of narcissism and entitlement is the pay-off. Healthy psychological development and fulfilment come from seeing the self as part of something bigger. To achieve the sense of significance that we long for, we need a worldview capable of generating meaning and purpose. The Christian gospel calls us beyond the goal of self-esteem, encouraging us to stop judging ourselves, embrace our identity in God's big story and look outwards to the pursuit of his glory. This is the only sure foundation for biblically based optimism, confidence and personal resilience.
ISBN: 9781844746200
Producer: IVP UK
Product Code: 499835
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 01.02.2013
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