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Biblia Germanica Leseprobe

Biblia Germanica Leseprobe



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No other German book has exercised for centuries such a profound effect on the German language as the German Bible of Martin Luther. Over time other German translations appeared, and in the present we see an almost bewildering abundance of new translations, but the Luther Bible launched the progression of the German language. In addition, the Luther text set binding standards for dealing with the biblical word. The output is one column set, with the exception of the Psalter and the Proverbs of Solomon, which are in two columns. This print is a replica of the 1545 Luther Bible, of which only two originals are left. This replica maintains the numerous wood cuts, headings, and explanatory notes of Luther.
ISBN: 9781619708945
Hendrickson Publishers
Product Code: 10036419
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 1552
Release Date: 02.06.2017
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