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Commentary on Galatians

Commentary on Galatians



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Besides the Bible, John Bunyan preferred Luther's classic commentary on Galatians "before all books I have ever seen." Prized for its penetrating insights into Luther's theology, this volume brings to light the depths of Paul's meaning like no other commentary. Luther's Commentary on Galatians is a timeless exposition of Paul's central thought in Galatians: "The just shall live by faith." All readers will benefit from Luther's doctrinally sound, verse-by-verse exposition. Originally written in Latin, Luther's Commentary on Galatians is here translated into English by Rev. Erasmus Middleton. Martin Luther (1483-1546) left his comfortable upbringing to become a Roman Catholic monk and later a professor of theology at the University of Wittenberg in Saxony. His study and teaching of the Greek text of the New Testament represent the beginnings of modern textual study, and his widely disseminated writings sparked the Protestant Reformation in Europe. Other works by Luther include Commentary on Romans and Commentary on First and Second Peter and Jude.
ISBN: 9780825430831
Kregel Publications
Product Code: 10028421
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 26.07.2013
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