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Luther's Works, Volume 17 (Lectures on Isaiah 40-66)

Luther's Works, Volume 17 (Lectures on Isaiah 40-66)



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In discoursing on the second half of Isaiah, Luther seems especially concerned about students preparing for the ministry. His central theme, from chapter 40, "The Word of our God will stand forever," reappears again and again in his commentary, like a bell tolling its purpose. Luther probably felt the need to repeat this message first of all for his own comfort. He admits: "If I had known that the world was so puzzlingly evil, I would never have begun the task of preaching and writing." Concerning Isaiah's message he says, "These are words of consolation. Just hold tight, even if you are oppressed and persecuted and your thoughts and conscience trouble you." As his faith strengthens and solidifies, so Luther encourages his students to hold fast to the same by taking up the work of Christ and warning: "Beware that you do not neglect the Word. It indeed stands firm, but it moves and will be given to others…. Therefore let us prayerfully keep busy with the Word." This volume contains lectures on Isaiah, chapters 40 through 66.
ISBN: 9780570064176
Concordia Publishing House
Product Code: 10061165
UPC: 151759
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 452
Release Date: 01.01.1971
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