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Strong In The Time Of Testing

Strong In The Time Of Testing

Including Prayers Of Strength And Faith



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As Christians face growing pressures, the need to prepare for the testing of our faith s even more urgent than when these texts and prayers were originally written. We would never be able to bear the hatred, harassment and persecution in our own strength. Yet, as Mother Basilea encouragingly shares, in Jesus Christ we can find all the grace we need to stand the test of suffering. United with him, we will experience the reality of Romans 8: Overwhelming victory is ours; nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by Our Lord Jesus Christ when he gave his life for us.
ISBN: 9781897647035
Evangelical Sisterhood Of Mary
Product Code: 10048061
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 91
Release Date: 01.06.1993
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