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Cover to Cover Bible Study: Galatians

Cover to Cover Bible Study: Galatians

Cover to Cover Study Guide



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This new Bible study explores the book of Galatians, the apostle Paul's powerful and passionate letter on religious freedom, written to a group of Gentile Christians who were under pressure to conform to the laws and practices of Judaism. Paul's core message is that salvation is by faith in Christ, and Christ alone -- nothing is to be added to this. Through faith in Christ we are made right with God, given eternal life, brought into the family of God, and provided with a basis for living that is both free and moral. It is a message which needed to be heard then, and still needs to be heard today by contemporary society. Here John Houghton unpacks Paul's sometimes complex arguments, giving a clear overview of the key points, and enabling individuals and groups to apply the truths of the gospel to their own lives, through icebreakers, discussion starters and more.
ISBN: 9781853456480
Producer: CWR
Product Code: 504705
Dimensions: 148 x 210 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 12.11.2011
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