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Cover To Cover Bible Study: Letter To The Romans

Cover To Cover Bible Study: Letter To The Romans

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One in a series of 40 titles in the Cover to Cover Bible Study guides, The Letter to the Romans is an intriquing study of Romans, that will take ou on a journey through the landscape of faith, exploring the depths of human depravity and the heights of God's love. The author combines solid Bible teaching with a unique and imaginative perspective to do justice to the vivid drama and lyricism, often overlooked in other approaches to Paul's letter. This study will help you apply God's Word to you life as you explore each session, of which there are seven. This is ideal for individual or group study and each session has an Opening Icebreaker, Bible readings, Key Verse, Eye Opener and Discussion Starters. There are Leaders notes too.
ISBN: 9781853452505
Producer: CWR
Product Code: 504625
Dimensions: 148 x 210 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 14.03.2004
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