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Cover to Cover Bible Study: Hebrews

Cover to Cover Bible Study: Hebrews

Jesus - simply the best



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The book of Hebrews is an invitation to deal with our uncertainties about faith in the best way possible, by looking to Jesus. We discover that Jesus is the eternal Son of God whose glory outshines that of the highest angel. He is also the great pioneer, excelling even the achievements of Moses. As a priest he surpasses Aaron, so much so that he has rendered the Aaronic priesthood redundant and has introduced a new one along with a new and better covenant. That New Covenant was sealed in His own blood, an offering that disables sin and transforms lives. To put our faith in Jesus is to trust in One who is perfect. It is worth persevering, whatever the difficulties, especially since God uses those difficulties to bring us to spiritual maturity.
ISBN: 9781853453373
Producer: CWR
Product Code: 504633
Dimensions: 148 x 210 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 14.02.2005
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